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Monday, January 2, 2012

Massage child bronchitis

The flu is gone - come bronchitis. This change, "the guard" in the adult, catch the virus, it happens, but not always. But the kids have - often. Why? The fact that the trachea and bronchi in children have a narrow lumen, so even with a slight inflammation in the mucous congestion which occurs and the disease progresses. The formation of the respiratory system only to end 12 years of age.Therefore, if your child is not yet a teenager, one only extraordinary means of treatment it is necessary. It is necessary to carry out drainage massage. How to do it, we told Helen Kobylinskaya, a pediatrician, lecturer of School of the Ukrainian Federation of massage massage.
Massaging SCHEME

Conduct massage to the so-called drain position: The pelvis - up, head - down, in order to smear rose from the lower divisions of the bronchi and lungs to the larynx. To do this, lay the baby on his stomach on a roller. And the first good warm up it, rubbing his back with simple movements for two minutes before the redness of skin (see photo above).

Now walk through each intercostal spaces, tapping with fingertips. They are the arteries, veins, nerves, stimulating that you will increase your breath. It is important to start with the lowest gap, and go upstairs. You can knock back of thumb, if you are afraid to knock too much, a good option - tap brush compressed in the form of "boat" in this case, there is also the effect of "vacuum" in pat, which further stimulates the blood circulation

Turn the child on one side and repeat steps 1-3, then do the same with the other side. Better side of his hand to knock.

In order to strengthen the departure phlegm, you can play in "Cars" - a parent holds the child's legs, and he "goes" on their hands.This method is suitable for tots. If you take your baby by the legs, then he "goes" on the palms reflex. And at the end of the game - again cough. To cause or contribute to cough easily ponazhimayte child in the jugular fossa.


The child has no fever, otherwise massage will lead to further heating of the body. Age of child - at least 6 months.

The kid does not suffer from false croup (inflammation of the larynx and trachea), or sputum can not escape due to spasm of the larynx.

The air temperature in the room - no more than 25 ° C and humidity - not less than 65%. If the hygrometer is not, at least lay out the battery a wet towel and change it as it dries. Otherwise, dry air to dry out mucus and full it could not.

Cough should be wet, that is, first and strictly prescribed by a doctor the baby is a few days Popo means thinning mucus. Also, give him plenty of warm drinks.

Massage should be carried out twice a day: one hour before a meal (or two hours after) and one hour before bedtime. In the first case - to avoid vomiting in the second - to smear did not leave in the middle of the night, getting baby to sleep.
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The kids (unlike adults) often breathe through the mouth. That is, infection, cold air penetrates directly into their bronchial tubes and lungs. So, in order not to get sick, kids should have a strong local immunity in these organs. Make it so you can use the following exercises.


Tenderness. Strengthen the blood circulation in the respiratory tract (and thus local immunity in them) can be simple strokes for 1-2 minutes. The main thing - to make them tender: first, the skin of babies is still very sensitive, and secondly - the attacking traffic toddler does not like at all.

TOPTYZHKI. On the feet and palms are several points that are responsible for the health of the respiratory system. Because they reflexively massaging increases blood circulation in the nasopharynx. And it was she - the first fortress on the way viruses and bacteria. And if she will survive, then tracheitis or bronchitis, not because of what will appear. A child that was not boring, massaging, entertain his rhymes and fairy tales about the bear, elephants and other toptyzhkah that marking on the heel-palms baby.

Three to six years

A breeze. Put the feather on the table or piece of cotton wool. Let the kid posduvaet them - pobudet wind. While that breeze, then a hurricane. Thanks to this role are utilized lower parts of the lungs, which in normal breathing a little work.

SHARODUV. Inflation of the balloons - it's almost a fitness for the lungs. Indeed, so tires began to stretch, breathe out will have to force more than once. When a baby cheat 02/01 ball will let blowing soap bubbles. The change of occupation, repeat several times. Through a succession of pace and strength breaths alternately ventilated various parts of the lungs.

BUBBLE. The truth is, you do not just abused child, because using the tube for drinking, he arranged in a glass compote "disgrace", blowing bubbles. And rightly so - at the table so unbecoming behavior. But as the practice of breathing - it's quite that.Just explain to your child the difference. By the way, doing this can be replaced by blowing soap bubbles in the previous exercise, if the baby is not able to do it without swallowing soap.

From seven years

VENTILATION. Let your child take a deep breath, hold your breath for 3-4 mum's account. Then - the blow. Repeat 5-7 times.During exercise, cells (including cells of the lungs) as enriched with oxygen. This, in turn, accelerates the elimination of toxins, and thus - increasing their resistance to viruses and bacteria.

FLYING BIRDS. On the inhale the child should wave his arms like wings. Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and slowly dropping the "wings" are also very slowly exhale. Through this expiratory time to straighten out the maximum number of alveoli (vesicles in the lungs, through which gas exchange occurs). And then the next time you inhale straightened easily captures more oxygen.


AT LEAST 40 MINUTES. Go out with the baby to breathe the air, away from the necessary roads. It is best if it is an active pastime.Minutes from school to home and from home to shop - do not count.

Tempers FEET. Let the child alternately several times to drop his feet a minute in a basin of water 40 ° C, then - in a basin of water 30 ° C. If the kid had just come off the street, you should start with a warm bath, if you have at home (that is, his feet were warm) - with a cold. Finish in any scenario - with cool water. And then a good rub his feet with a towel. You can also conduct tempering hands. This procedure is to "teach" the vessels to adapt to temperature extremes. And then in the cold, they shrink dramatically, that is, the child will not freeze, just came out on the street. So chill of hypothermia will be excluded.

Massage child bronchitis


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