The birth of a child. At what time of year is best?
The question, of course, some of the eternal. First, the seasonal advantage plays a role only in the first years of life. Second, often the child does not ask when he is born. But if your life is calculated by the minute, and before you think about the conception of the family planning office visit, you should consider when you are kid. Ideal time of year to have a baby does not exist. There is need to look at personal preferences of parents.
Thus, we consider the time of the year.
The warm season has always been better for the child. We list some pros:
Walking in the air begins to exit from the hospital. This means that the child receive enough vitamin D, which prevents the occurrence of rickets. No need to put on your baby plenty of clothes. Diapers to dry quickly. After some time on the table there will be fresh vegetables - no imports! The last stages of pregnancy occur in cold weather, which means that with a big belly and swollen feet you will not see it.
List the cons:
At the time of birth, the mother has exhausted all the useful resources that have been accumulated during the summer. In winter, we spend very little time outdoors, so we do not get adequate oxygen recharge. Also in the spring particularly acute feel of iron deficiency in the mother's body, which could adversely affect the health of little kids.
Thinking about the birth of a child, think about the school. First grade must be greater than 6.5, so it should be born sometime in February. Or go to school later if in 6.5 it is not morally ready.
Benefits are almost the same as in spring: quick-drying diapers, walking, feeding fresh fruits and vegetables. In the summer an increasing number of foods containing vitamins, which means that the mother's body for childbirth zapasetsya sufficient minerals and vitamins.
But to be pregnant in the heat is terrible! And just think, what will your baby for a walk in a diaper? The issue of school more acute, the children who were born in the summer. Think about that the child was born in July, while his classmate in September. Do the same amount of knowledge they will receive if they are ready for this? However, all this individually. By the way, if you plan to place a child in kindergarten in three years, then it will not work, since the groups are formed in kindergarten in September. You will have to either wait or think about it in the spring.
According to some doctors, the charge of positive emotions your child does not receive, because at that time very little sunlight.With the vitamins in this time of year all right, but at school he will be one of the most senior. The last stages of pregnancy, mom will in the heat. Diaper dry for a long time, and the heating is switched on only after residents begin to rebel. And when the batteries become warm, there will be a new problem - dryness of air. Sun has almost no in the sky, so you need to stock up on artificial vitamins.
What time of year may be worse than this? But no, there are also pluses. In the summer of pregnancy would not be as severe. Baby is born, when the house will already be warm battery. The batteries can be dry diaper. The consequence of this is the moist air in the apartment. By summer you will have quite adequate baby, which can be easily put on the chair, take out, and diapers can be neglected, taking a change of clothes.
The main drawback - the problem with a walk.
All these difficulties are forgotten quickly. You probably do not even remember how your feet are swollen and they did not want to dry diapers.
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