For example, autumn. Just a couple of days that you wore a light jacket, when weather forecasters advised to dress warmly and grab an umbrella. But here's the next morning you peeps out the window, and there - a beauty!
The sun is shining, the shining foliage of all shades of gold. You are happily hiding in a closet coat, throws himself on the very light jacket and rushes toward the sun. But having the street what a couple of meters, suddenly realize that the picture behind the window you shamelessly cheated: the sun shines, then, but there is no heat! But the blowing wind prenepriyatneyshy, from which even the ears begin to ache.
All that you feel gradually in the process of removal from home. And when you realize that we ought to go and dress warmer, the time it does not remain. At work, you have somehow managed to hold on, but toward evening a nasty vibration in the throat increases, and you return home with a serious cold. This situation is number one.
Situation number two. Do you have an employee on the job, which is always hot when the other is cold, and vice versa. When the street whistling shrill winter wind, she always tries to open the window and let in fresh air (in the sense, have a draft). Of course, right in the way of drafts you sit. One day, while you were passionate about the work, the employee opened the window and made maaaalenkuyu crack. In the hope that you will not notice. You did not notice this is not true about your sore throat. Even the working day is not over, as you suddenly began to cough. But at home it grew into a hacking cough a real cough.
Such situations can be described by dozens: like you have lost, as you are badly dressed, take a chance in a puddle under a wet unexpected rain, as someone from the family brought home a "bacillus" - and all of these situations end cough. Which itself, incidentally, an indicator of internal inflammation. And at the same time - self-cleaning mechanism of the organism. So let's see, what is this cough.
We tend to think that phlegm in the bronchial tubes - a sign of ill health. In fact, in healthy human produces up to 1 ml of bronchial secretions for 1 kg of a person on a daily basis. Is the secret of a 90% water. "Ustilaya" airway, it protects them from dust, particulate, bacteria, smoke and other irritants, which, together with a secret easily and regularly removed from the body. But sometimes it fails - for example, due to viruses. Then begins to develop inflammation that provokes an increased allocation of bronchial secretions with a modified chemical composition - the water content is reduced, and glycoproteins on the contrary, increased. As a result, the mucus thickens and ceases excreted from the body - creates ideal conditions for the development of severe inflammation.
It was then that our body and begins to cough. He coughs, he is not to give us the inconvenience, but just to quickly get rid of excess phlegm, and along with it - and from microorganisms. If the cough is accompanied by phlegm, it is productive. But when the sputum viscous, dense, difficult process of separation, which indicates that the body needs help. For such cases, and was designed Mucosolvan - a drug from a number of mucolytics, which contributes to liquefaction and sputum, and no reports of clinical adverse interactions with drugs that are usually taken at ARI and ARI. In addition, Mucosolvan well tolerated and produced in various forms - in the form of syrup, capsules, tablets, lozenges - for adults and children. Perhaps at this point is to change the first word from the title of the article "Why do we cough?" To "why". Really - why, if there is Mucosolvan?
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