health // sport // beaty

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Can not sleep? Do gymnastics!

Can not sleep? Do gymnastics!

So summer is over. The days are getting shorter, nights longer. There are more free time, and we knit, sew the new season, we read the book, laid in a stack of binding by the bed, watching TV late at night or can not leave the computer. Finally, we force ourselves to go to bed and ...

can not sleep. Tosses from side to side, analyzing the events of the day, thinking about tomorrow's problems or to remember the storyline favorite series. In general, anything other than normal sleep.

Clock run, the inevitable dawn soon, and after him - the working day. In the morning, exhausted, forget heavy sleep, and suddenly ... the alarm clock.

And we do not get enough sleep. On the exterior, even to say no. In the mirror at myself scared to look. And there are no forces.What kind of disability do you mean? Wait for a night.

All literate and educated and well aware that most sound sleep - before midnight. More specifically, should go to 22 hours. Well, if a little longer, about half an hour. But 22.30 - this is a deadline.

Sleep should be complete. No one argues. Depends on him not only the state of the whole organism, but also efficiency, ability to think clearly and express their thoughts. And look, of course. Who like swelling under the eyes or heavy lids? Apathetic facial expression?

But it's easy to avoid. So remember that long ago already know:

Before going to bed to ventilate the room. But even better - sleep under the open window, covered with a warm blanket.

Do not cram. If possible, the last meal should be no later than 19 hours. Greasy, spicy and indigestible food can also cause sleep disturbances. Of course, lie in bed and listen to the bleak rumbling in the intestines empty, too, should not be. What kind of dream, if wildly hungry? Help out a glass of kefir. Can yogurt. And helpful and easy to cheat hunger.

Sleep in light clothing, designed for sleeping. It is desirable that nightgown and pajamas are made from cotton, viscose or some other natural fabrics. And the bag have to be low and comfortable. It is possible (for fans) a special roll under the neck. Or use orthopedic pillow. Buy it now no problem. All these measures - in order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the neck and form a second chin. And then, it's just convenient. Neck and shoulder tense all day, especially during sedentary work, and they should relax.

It would be nice to take a walk before going to sleep in the open air, at least half an hour. Walk the dog - the best solution. And the dream will be strong and sleep - easier.

Do not immediately seek the help of sleeping pills. Try to avoid being dependent on medicinal products in the natural needs of the body. Otherwise, this will lead to that very soon you will not be able to sleep without saving pills.

Do not read before bedtime, do not watch TV, causing strong emotions. It does not matter, it will be positive or negative news. And then, and another before bed is contraindicated. A beloved and indispensable to modern life computer? Who voluntarily refuses to sit in front of the monitor for an hour or two-third, sipping coffee at the same time not from a small cup?

It seems that all the recommendations on appropriate behavior at bedtime is practically feasible. But remember that our ancestors had a reasonable lay awake with cockerels and by their loud singing. And every day the old woman went to church for evening service. Back pacified, and filled with words of prayer, which they kept and guarded.

We do not work. So what to do in the pace of modern conditions and needs-life?

You can find a compromise solution and to carve out for himself a few minutes before bedtime. It seems to me, nothing complicated about it. See for yourself:

A little earlier than usual to complete all the necessary business and hobbies.

Include a light, relaxing music.

Take a warm bath with the addition of short-lived soothing herbal tea. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or gather herbs during the weekend in the country. This hop cones, mint, valerian root, lavender flowers, etc.

Drink before bedtime glass of warm milk. Do not forget to add a spoonful of honey. Well, tea with mint and honey, or, in extreme cases, 40 drops of valerian.

I can only recommend a prescription sleep aid funds - the tea of ​​hops. Do not insist that it should be drunk with a delight, though, as they say, the taste and color all have their own opinion.

Try: 1.5 tablespoons of hop cones to make a glass of boiling water and insist 5-10 minutes. Strain, sweeten (I prefer honey, but you can, and sugar) and drink.

To all the above measures would be good to add a touch of gymnastics. Do not worry. There are three exercises. They have nothing to do with training in a gym or fitness facilities, do not require special training. Only clothing should be appropriate: nightgown or pajamas.

So, open the window, and you can vent. Several times a deep breath and exhaled. After easily, in a calm pace doing the following exercises:

1. While standing, raise your arms forward and up - inhale, lower your hand through - exhale.

2. While standing, turn body to the right, at the same time take your right hand to the side - breath, return to starting position, lower the arm - exhaling. Do the same with your left hand.

3. Standing, legs apart, hands on his belt - a breath, lean forward, arms in hand, spread - exhale.

The exercises are so simple that everything is clear and without pictures. Repeat every 3-4 times and quietly go to sleep.

This simple gymnastics helps to relax the muscles, restoring a uniform and free breathing. Be sure to think of something pleasant.You will quickly go to sleep and relax as it should. Good night!


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