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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How useful rowan? Miraculous Properties

How useful rowan? Miraculous Properties

Sarycheva Olesia,
Total there are about one hundred species of ash. There is a garden and rowan wild. And sort of ash generated by Michurin - a hybrid resulting from crossing mountain ash with black chokeberry. In a hybrid ash pulp denser, darker berries themselves. They contain more vitamins and other vital human elements in ash content which is not inferior to any sea buckthorn, black currant or even strawberries.

Rowan blossoms in May and the fruits are picked in early October before the frost.

Rowan berries are very popular in folk medicine. They are widely used for kidney and liver, anemia, diabetes, hemorrhoids, as well as violations of the gastrointestinal tract. Rowan fruit have diuretic, diaphoretic, cholagogue and hemostatic effects.

With loss of appetite and indigestion rowan berries are used in the form of puree. Take this drug should be several times a day for 0.5-1 teaspoon to increase the production of gastric juice.

During flowering ash can be collected inflorescences. Decoction of the flowers treated with thyroid disease - hyperthyroidism, and is used as an antitussive.
Ash juice is very useful in tuberculosis, it is also accepted as a cholagogue in inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), one teaspoon for half an hour before a meal. Fresh squeezed juice of mountain ash are recommended in the brittle and fragile vessels, one tablespoon about 3 times a day. Infusion of fresh berries and juice can be used to stimulate circulation and reduce blood cholesterol. For the prevention and treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis fresh juice of berries rowanberry take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals.

Rowan - miraculous and wonderful vitamin product. On the content of carotene - provitamin A, the fruits of mountain ash exceeds some varieties of carrots. To prepare the tea should be pro-vitamin a tablespoon of crushed dried berries in a coffee grinder and rosehip ash pouring two cups of boiling water and let stand for 12 hours in a thermos. And in order to improve the taste of this tea, you can add sugar or honey.

When anemia (anemia), 2 teaspoons of rowan berries poured two cups of boiling water and insist 1 hour. Then strain the infusion should be 3-4 hours and drink during the day.

You can cook the syrup Ash, who take medicine for kidney as a diuretic and to remove stones. For medicinal syrup to the juice of 1 kilogram of rowan berries boiled with the addition of 600 grams of sugar.

Back in the old days with rheumatism healers recommend to use vodka infused with fruits of mountain ash, and used it as a mild laxative. In the presence of gallstones and kidney prepared from a mixture of porridge rowan berries with molasses in equal amounts, which took 2-3 tablespoons on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

It is also necessary to warn all the fans of traditional medicine that contain rowan berries raw parasorbinovuyu acid, which acts as an antibiotic, so carried away large quantities of raw berries are not recommended. When cooking dried fruit and the acid breaks down.

Fresh leaves of mountain ash are also not left out of traditional healers. They are used as an antifungal agent. Fresh leaves should be carefully grind and apply to affected areas, bandaged. This bandage can be applied to the clock and change after this time.

For girls and women mountain ash with its miraculous properties - a godsend. With ample monthly increase for hemoglobin should be infusion of fresh or dried berries of mountain ash. To do this, 2 tablespoons of berries to add 0.5 liters of boiling water, and drink throughout the day instead of water.

The fruits of mountain ash, women use more in the form of face masks. To supply the skin of the face mask from the cook mashed fresh berries, adding cream or fresh cream. For toning, narrowing of blood vessels and facial rejuvenation freeze fresh juice of the fruits of mountain ash and wipe your face with ice cubes before bedtime. And in order to whiten the skin to mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt, one spoon mashed fresh berries of mountain ash, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes and remove with warm water. Older women in the wilting of the skin may be advisable to prepare a lotion from a mixture of mountain ash squeezed juice, vodka and glycerin in a ratio of 2:1:1, respectively.

For removing warts healers advise to cause a lot of raw rowan berries, fixing bandage and wash in the morning. Carry out such a procedure should be 8-10 times.

In the end we would like to warn that the common idiosyncrasy of fresh fruit and juice of mountain ash, and yet it is counter the tendency to diarrhea.

Our grandmothers knew that the spirit of sickness and drives away the ash is a protective agent against the evil eye and spoilage.It remains to wish you good health and a strong spirit.


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