health // sport // beaty

Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to make your home safer fitness?

How to make your home safer fitness?

How often have to start on Monday and a new life in sports goes to the country of unfulfilled promises? Jobs involving all hands at work, no one to leave the baby away and inconvenient to get to the place of training ... The reasons that we do not get to the gym or throwing sessions in a month, you can call forever. But if a man wants, he is looking for opportunities, is not it?

Here as with the mountain and Mohammed: if a person does not go to the gym, the gym can come to man.

There are two essential conditions for effective training. The first - the safety and proper technique. In other words, home fitness requires a certain expertise. In order to acquire them, it is worth while to work out a qualified coach in a good club. You will learn to control your body, heart rate, breathing, metered load, alternate power and aerobic exercise, the exercises efficiently and avoid injury.
The second - availability of suitable premises. There is a swimming pool or the gym (at least one trainer) - swim and swing your health! Happy residents can enjoy the minimum living space Pilates, Body flex and belly dancers!

If you can not go to the gym, that's no reason to give up fitness at all! Go in the house!

Pros home fitness:

You can dramatically change your lifestyle, drop sharpens a stone. A small but regular exercise is better than lying on the couch and eating cakes, even after visiting the gym. The main thing is not to give lessons, and then I'll close until morning runs.

Ability to lead thoughts in order and improve your mood. At any time when you need it. Even the execution of simple physical exercises at home distracts from the unpleasant, troublesome thoughts. The main thing is to concentrate on technique. If physical education is allocated serotonin, the hormone of happiness, and stress hormones are neutralized and eliminated from the body.And the mood is improving!

You harden the will power, regularly picking yourself off the couch after "can not" and "I do not want." After completing all the planned exercises are not too lazy and not "stand over" a coach, you will respect yourself more. And how are you love to reach the desired result, as the relief of muscle and a flat stomach! Especially if you had embarrassed her lush body and not very graceful movements.

Most modern sports clubs equipped with plumbing on the highest level, but for someone self comes first. Catching up at home, you can safely take a shower after a workout and to any other cosmetic procedure, most importantly, without fanaticism, after a workout can not be washed in hot water.

Club owners are trying to create maximum comfort for clients, but all at once is impossible to please. The smallest detail can spoil the pleasure of training, for example, is too sharp smell of perfume or a neighbor to the gym music that you actively dislike. Many people are embarrassed that their movement is not so graceful, but the body is not as perfect as a fitness instructor, and others are afraid to look ridiculous! If nobody sees you, these thoughts will not go into his head and detract from the exercise.

In order for physical activity was only joy at the start of classes, take care of security.

Before beginning training, consult a physician! If during a workout or dizzy feeling began to deteriorate, stop and relax. Resume exercise can be a more gentle pace in a while.

Should refrain from activities:

- In an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- If you have a fever;
- Food poisoning;
- Sharp pain when moving or at rest;
- If you are injured.

In all these cases, consult a doctor, it determines the duration of treatment and the resumption of classes.

Caution: Do not attempt to repeat the exercise as masterfully as an instructor! People who teach - masters, champions and professionals. You are - beginner and do not sit right on the string, if it did not last 20 years! Your task - to properly learn the technique of the exercise. Gradually go to higher levels, constantly listening to your body!

Keep your back and joints, do not let them sharp and full rectification of flexion. During the exercises on the ground making sure your lower back does not come off the floor in the supine position or not sag when standing on all fours. Keep your back straight, muscle tone, swing arms and legs follow through muscle strength, and not due to inertia. By varying the exercises, relax for a few seconds back, and those muscle groups that just worked. Begin the workout with warm-up, the pace and load Grow slowly and gradually reduce them to the end of your workout.

The room where you are, should be clean, not cluttered furniture. Well ventilated, but draft-free. Standing or lying down in the middle of the room, make sure that when the energetic flapping his arms and legs you will not hit the furniture and other items. If the home has small children, make sure that they are not on your "playground" and you do not accidentally traumatized them. Pets in the classroom is better to leave the room.

Clothes should not hamper the movements and be too big not to be confused in it. It should have a good air and moisture. Dress in view of the room temperature and the fact that during exercise your body warms up. After a workout, avoid overcooling and overheating. Do not take a hot shower or bath after school. You can warm shower after the muscles slightly cool and the pulse is restored.

Hungry or with a full stomach do not. The optimal interval between meals and at the beginning and end of training - one hour. After training, you can have rather weak herbal tea or water without gas. That is why the homework exercise - a great way to get rid of the habit of always something to eat!

So is it worth to wait for Monday? If you decide to start a new life, start it today!


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