Useful than cranberry?
Cranberries - berry, long known in Russia. It was mentioned in Domostroi in the XVI century. Useful properties of cranberries very much. It is a good remedy for coughs, knocks down the temperature, it helps with headaches. Cranberry can be cooked many different dishes. We'll talk more about this miracle berry.
Cranberries for many diseases
Cranberry is indispensable when taking antibiotics. It not only enhances their action, but also stimulates the immune system.Berries and leaves of the cranberry helps with headaches, relieve heartburn and metabolism. Scientists have made a surprising discovery: cranberry juice in the body compensates for the lack of antioxidants, essential for proper heart function. Regular consumption of cranberry juice helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. If you take a glass of cranberry juice 1-2 times a day can reduce the recurrence of urinary tract inflammation. Regular consumption of cranberry fruit reduces the risk of developing gastric ulcers, gastritis, inflammation. Cranberry contains proantitsianidy that contribute to impaired development of cancer cells.Every day, eat cranberries in cold season, and you forget about colds!
Cranberries in your diet
The most simple and useful tool - cranberries with boiling water. Sprinkle cranberries with sugar, and pour boiling water remember.This drink is not only useful but also delicious. It is best not to drink it very hot. If you want to get rid of heat and a good sweat, take a hot drink with honey.
Cranberry juice - fast and easy. 500 g of crushed cranberries in a blender, squeeze the juice. Remains of fruit put in a pot and pour a liter of water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 5-10 minutes to give. Broth drain, then dissolve in it a tablespoon of honey and sugar. Add cranberry juice and go to cool.
You can cook very tasty sweet raspberry and cranberry - a milkshake. Pour the berries into a blender, chop. After add the milk and sugar. All this once again shake, shake, put in the fridge for half an hour. This drink is ideal for hot weather: refreshing and beneficial!
We all remember the old tasty treat - cranberries in the sugar. You can cook it at home. Collect large cranberries, rinse and dry. Mix two eggs with white powdered sugar. Each berry roll in the mixture and allow to dry. Cranberries in the sugar is ready!
Guests can please the cranberry salad and calamari. You will need: pickled cabbage - 500 g, cranberry - 50 g apples - 100 g fillet of squid - 500 g green onion - 100 g vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. Squids boil until tender and cut into strips. Mix with sauerkraut and add cranberries. After that, add the apples, cut into strips. Fills all the vegetable oil, add salt to taste, sugar, pepper and fresh herbs.Tasty and healthy salad is ready.
There comes a cold, and the risk of catching cold is increasing every day. Add the cranberries to your diet - and you forget what a bad cold. Good luck!
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