What is unique and universal properties of peach butter?
Everyone loves peaches. But it is not only a delicious treat, but also a very valuable fruit. Of his bones are fatty oil, which contains palmitic and linoleic acids, vitamins F, A, E, C and many other useful components. That is why the peach butter almost unique product that is used very widely.
Oil peach light yellow color, low odor and a mild flavor. It is used for skin care, body, hair and skin diseases. Oil moistens the skin, gives it the softness and freshness, rejuvenates it, makes elastic. It applies also to care for eyelids and lips. Peach oil has anti-inflammatory action, and it also lightens the skin and smooths it. Oil well absorbed, allowing the useful substances to penetrate deep into the skin.
Peach oil is used for burns, dermatitis, cellulite. It is indispensable in the care of nails, and diaper rash in children, as well as in inflammatory processes in the ears. Peach butter does not cause allergy, so is suitable for all. It leaves no oily stains and practically no contraindications. It can be used in pure form or blended with other base oils.
If the oil is used in the peach facial ever, it will be perfectly nourish the skin, rejuvenate it, as well as moisturize and soften. It can be added to the lotion or cream, a little warm-up, used as a tool for removing makeup. Especially suitable for dry peach oil, aging, sensitive, prone to inflammation of the skin. It also restores the elasticity of the lips perfectly, eliminating roughness and cracks.Apply to the lips should be twice a day - morning and evening.
Peach butter restores dry skin and fading age. To do this daily for two weeks twice a day to lubricate the eyelids. After two weeks of the procedures to use less oil - 2 times a week, causing him to sleep on his eyelids, gently tapping on them with fingertips. You can mix it with jojoba oil 1: 1. This procedure is useful for the eyelashes.
Peach oil is useful for the hair. It strengthens them, shine, weakened back to life, repeatedly dyed hair. It is used as a mask 1-2 times a week. To prepare the masks need to take a teaspoon of peach and some other oils (olive, cottonseed, etc.) and add to the mix a teaspoon of Dimexidum (available from pharmacies). The mixed composition should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots, then wrap head wrap and a towel and leave for an hour. After the procedure should be thoroughly rinsed hair with lemon juice.
Hand Care is simple. It should drop right in the palm of the amount of oil and rub it until the final absorption. Strengthen nails will help a mixture of 1 teaspoon of peach oil, which is added drop by drop of jojoba oil, lemon, lavender and eucalyptus. Regular massaging of the data gives the composition of the finger nails look healthy, shiny and strengthens them.
For carrying out anti-cellulite massage oil should be mixed with peach essential oils of orange, tangerine or grapefruit (1 drop per tablespoon). If the burn is necessary to take a teaspoon of butter and peach butter and sea buckthorn add to the mix 10 drops of lavender essential oil. The composition should be applied to the gauze and apply to affected area. The bandage should be changed every three hours.
When the pain in the ear must bury two drops of warm peach oil twice a day. To reduce the inflammation in the skin and get rid of the itching, you should apply to the affected areas of application of pure peach oil.
Peach oil stored at room temperature in a tightly closed container.
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