health // sport // beaty

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to preserve the beauty of the stars of the age?

How to preserve the beauty of the stars of the age?

We are so committed to youth, clearly taking only its value with all soslagaemymi and components. We seem to be devastating age-related changes in our appearance and we are so desperately fighting for smooth skin, shiny hair, slender figure.

And this, of course, correct, because so happened that no one interested in human weakness, neglected, promiscuity and self-destruction. We look in the mirror and look for the answer to the question - what do you do when the time comes, and I'm not getting any younger?
On the other hand, many wonderful people on screen seem to us beautiful, despite the obvious external defects or age. There is a secret charm in age beauties, cinematic supervumen capable and seventy conquer any heart? This "super" and sixty successfully "do" the charisma young beauty, because beauty does not begin with the natural data, but with something more complex that is hidden in the depths of a woman's soul.

Jane Fonda was born in 1937 and was featured very much, exploiting their external data and natural charisma. However, when Jane knocked around for 50 years that way, it occurred to her that the restriction in the diet is not the same thing with the concept of effective support for your body. Anti-crisis program has been implemented as a set of aerobic exercises, aimed at creating a toned body contour, the acquisition of flexibility and grace. Accordingly, it was important to create conditions for gradual burning calories, preventing the acquisition of delicious, but the slender forms.

Thus began the era of aerobics and stylish beauties in bikinis trainees and socks! Jane has developed many unique programs to train women, including at home. Not only that, she, like a true champion for a healthy lifestyle has become to publish your own tips for the purchase of a smooth skin, creating optimum conditions for the female body and, of course, nutrition. The result, as the saying goes, there is! Jane Fonda and his '74 looks good, hitting the anorexic Hollywood crowd his bold and fitting dresses.

She has nothing to be ashamed, because the lines of her body remain the same, that there were forty and fifty years ago. That it promotes as its slogan? Of course, love, and as a consequence, careful attention to themselves. She writes about the need for frequent fluid intake, meticulous skin care of the body, arguing that the beauty of the skin equivalent of the beauty of the woman, but also believes that the beauty of a woman in her love for a man. In her opinion, there is nothing more useful than wipe baize entire body before a bath or a warm shower. Then the skin is cleansed as after a good exfoliation and subsequent water treatments complement the beauty of their right to work.

Another rule - the presence of love in a woman's life! I must say that Jane, despite the collapse of the drama and romance of the front line, have always been men, not the exception, and the current period of her life. The truth, as she herself admits, she was not registered under the law marriage, but does need the status of married ladies, if there is harmony in the soul? And then, the most love for her - it is life itself.

Meryl Streep now 62 years old, she mother of four children and a source of love, his many fans around the world. Meryl has never been a beauty, but she was always kind and a whole different purpose. Its charm is not lost with age, perhaps, so she played along with virtuazno other age charmer Goldie Hawn in Robert Zemeckis' Death Becomes Her "! Its other role - Miranda Priestly in "The Devil Wears Prada," business bitch, a shark in the world of the fashion world. It is incomparable talent, but her life has no place "star disease" or snobbery lady whose life is, by and large failed. And why not? And because she is intelligent and does not think his success reason to spend life at creating a "pedestal"!

She says of herself: "Glory can not spoil a man who still irons his own clothes!". In her youth she lost her beloved - John Cazale, who died of cancer, whereas it should give a well-deserved reward for the next blockbusters. The death of a dear friend has made her strong, led again and again in the movies, to find happiness with the well-known American sculptor, give birth to four children. Its principle - spend time with their loved ones to live their concerns, to be with them no matter what.

You will say - yes, it's a great destiny, but where is the secret of feminine charm? Your questions answered the actress: "My mom got out of life. She taught me to always be optimistic. She is very capable and it inspired me every day that I was not capable of less than she did. I think that's why I became so! ". Do you understand? Love is the closest person to the charge on the success of the accompanying Meryl Streep in her life and love of life itself. And what is not a reason to tell the world about this knowledge?Even if you're not very pretty in the conventional representation of a glossy, still your eyes tell you that you feel the beating of his loving heart, so no one sees any of your weaknesses, not your age.

When you're far from over forty, you can sigh sadly, and prepare for the inexorable climax, considering his white hair loss and in the field of personal life. And you can gracefully get up, put on a favorite dress, slowly comb the hair and not adjusting themselves to the true pleasure desperate lipstick red lipstick. Most likely, you will not go, because this scene would encourage her husband to hold you a little house and give him a little attention. So does Monica Bellucci - the star, adored mother's daughter and the wife of the well-known actor.

That's what she wrote about his attitude to himself: "My body - it is so important to me. My face, my arms, my legs, my eyes, everything! ". Or - "I aspire to a healthy lifestyle, beach body. If you are beautiful at 20 - this is natural, as if in 35 or 45 - it's position in life! ". Monica believes that the key to women's beauty is a deep knowledge of itself, its needs and requirements. In her opinion it is necessary not only to love and understand ourselves, we must be able to take risks, do not fear change and fight for themselves and not be shy ... lipstick bright lipstick. Staining of the lips - a kind of religious rite, so its a little girl right now watching as a beautiful mother slowly and sensuously does lipstick, gaining with every stroke all the familiar charm of the famous Italian divas.

Monica, like many actresses restricts itself to food, but the restriction is concerned, rather, the amount of food without making a monotonous diet or boring - no restrictions and monotony, such as buckwheat diet, it does not recognize. She, like all Italians (like in the great Sophia Loren) can have pasta, but he knows the secrets of a combination of some components with others. Well this is just you and I can weld pasta nautically generously providing them with roasted meats and high-calorie ketchup at a time to enjoy them as necessary in conjunction with vegetables and light sauces. Monica eats several times a day, small meals, avoiding only two things - cheese and pastries. Knowing their characteristics, it is believed that cheese, cakes and give tremendous weight gain.

It turns out the secret of their youth, and demand is really not that on the surface, but what is hidden inside? Love, a detailed knowledge of themselves, attentive to his fate and respect for you this time. Time can not be reversed, but may be too late to include "Workout with Jane Fonda," talk with their families, as Meryl Streep and makeup desperately scarlet lips, like Monica Bellucci? Shall we begin?


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