One in ten older people in Russia is suffering from atrial fibrillation. By itself, the disease can not deliver the special problems of man. The danger is its complication - stroke. In people with atrial fibrillation it happens 5 times more likely than all others. How to live a full life with atrial fibrillation and protect yourself from stroke?
Variations of cardiac arrhythmias
Distinguish different types of arrhythmias. Many people know the word "tachycardia" - this term mean too frequent heart rhythm.Quite often, even in young people is relatively benign arrhythmia - "beats" (disruptions of the heart). However, the most significant problem - it is atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). She already affects about 1% of the population, and the figure continues to grow.Young people are rarely concerned about atrial fibrillation. But after 50-60 years the risk is greatly increased. In 60 years, likely to get atrial fibrillation is about 5%, and 80 years after the disease is already there in every ten people in Russia. And the risk of disease in men is 1.7 times higher.
The probability of disease increases with age, many times. The longer a person lives, the higher the risk! Thanks to the advances of medicine, and other factors, life expectancy is gradually increased, and thus increases the incidence of atrial fibrillation. Influence the effect of hypertension and other chronic diseases, alcohol abuse and smoking.
How can you recognize?
Independently detect atrial fibrillation is not always easy, but possible. Us think about the disease should fast irregular heartbeat, a sense of common shocks and "gurgling" in my chest. At the same time a person usually appears short of breath, a feeling of general weakness and pain in the heart. However, to confirm or refute doubts about the doctor can only after conducting special studies.
"With atrial fibrillation can live and not even guess about its existence for many years - says Anton Rodionov, MD, Associate Professor of Faculty Therapy № 1 Faculty of Medicine GBOU VPO First MGMU them. IM Sechenov. - But every patient diagnosed with "atrial fibrillation" should understand that he with a certain probability threatens serious complication of the disease - cardioembolic stroke. His risk for atrial fibrillation increases by 5 times. The fact is that without the full reduction of atrial intracardiac blood flow is disturbed. Blood moves linearly, stagnates and forms clots - clots. Sooner or later they break away from the walls of the atria and come together with the blood flow to the brain, causing a stroke. "
How to protect yourself?
Get rid of the atrial fibrillation is not difficult if you recognize the disease and begin treatment in the first days after its occurrence.However, often people are not even aware of atrial fibrillation to a special medical examination. Then, from the onset of illness before diagnosis takes some weeks, months and sometimes years. And the cure "running" form becomes much more difficult. But if done correct and timely treatment of atrial fibrillation, the risk of complications and the worsening state of health can be minimized.
Stroke Prevention - is a complex medical and non-drug measures. The majority of patients in need of drug prevention - taking anticoagulants, drugs that promote "thinning" the blood and prevent blood clots.
Important components of the drug-free prevention of stroke for each compliance is a healthy diet, stopping smoking and alcohol abuse, adequate physical activity. Keep track of your weight, often take the exit on the nature and walk in the fresh air. Mandatory condition preventing cardiovascular events is to normalize blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.
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